EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines

University of Nottingham

News and events


Alexander Keeley's paper published

Alexander Keeley's paper published
Alexander Keeley's paper is published in Mol. Pharmaceutics

Year 3 students and Year 4 students visit Quotient Sciences

Year 3 students and Year 4 students visit Quotient Sciences
The visit provided students with a unique insight into the role the service sector now plays within the pharmaceutical industry, and the science-based career opportunities which are available in this dynamic environment.

Dr Jonathan Booth replaces Dr Eileen McBride on the Management group

We would like to welcome Eileen's colleague, Dr Jonathan Booth, who has agreed to serve on the CDT Management Group.

CDT Management Group meeting 2019

The first face-to-face Management Group meeting of 2019 was held at the University of Nottingham March 12th

Maria Angelerou co-authored a publication

Maria Angelerou co-authored a publication
Congratulations to Maria Angelerou who co-authored a paper published in Molecular Pharmaceutics.

Akmal Sabri co-authored a publication

Akmal Sabri co-authored a publication
Congratulations to Akmal Sabri who has co-authored a publication in European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics.

Clarissa Harman's review paper published

Clarissa Harman's review paper published
Congratulations to Clarissa Harman, PhD student based at UCL, who has had her review paper published in ScienceDirect.

Gordon Bruce co-authored a publication

Gordon Bruce co-authored a publication
Congratulations to Gordon Bruce, a third year PhD student, who co-authored a paper publised in Photochem. Photobiol. Sci.

Ami Nash and Rebecca Olubi present posters at AstraZeneca's Science Day

Ami Nash and Rebecca Olubi present posters at AstraZeneca's Science Day
Ami Nash and Rebecca Olubi are currently completing their industrial training projects at AstraZeneca and participated in the first Science Day of the year

Steven Participates in Voice of the Future 2019

Steven Participates in Voice of the Future 2019
Second year student Steven attends Voice of the Future 2019 held in Parliament.

Science in the Park 2019

Science in the Park 2019
First and second year CDT students host two new activities at Science in the Park 2019.

Steven wins UKICRS essay competition

Second Year Student Steven Gibney won the 2018 UKICRS essay competition

Christopher Barnett passes viva

Christopher Barnett passes viva
Congratulations to Christopher who passed his viva.

Lok Hin Lui passes viva

Lok Hin Lui passes viva
The CDT would like to congratulate Lok for passing his viva

Training week in London, January 2019

The second of three training weeks was held in London as a mixture of workshops, lectures and laboratory demonstrations.

CDT alumnus Dr Alastair Breen publishes in Cancer Reports

CDT alumnus Dr Alastair Breen publishes in Cancer Reports
Alastair's article on the 'Development of novel apoferritin formulations for antitumour Benzothiazoles' is based on his PhD project research

CDT students to run activities at Science in the Park

For the fourth year running CDT students are planning to run activities at the Science in the Park outreach event

Amjad Selo passes his viva

Amjad Selo passes his viva
The CDT congratulates Amjad for passing his viva.

Harry Sherman's paper accepted

Harry Sherman's article has been published in ChemBioChem, a Euoropean Journal of Chemical Biology, Synthetic Biology and Bio-Nanotechnology.

Final year student Fabrizio Fina on his CDT experience

Final year student Fabrizio Fina on his CDT experience
Being a CDT student has been an amazing experience for me.
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Inspiring children with Science in the Park


EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines


The University of Nottingham
School of Pharmacy
Boots Science Building
University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
t: +44(0)7809 888378
e: Graham.Harrison@nottingham.ac.uk

University College London
School of Pharmacy
University College London
29-39 Brunswick Square,
London WC1N 1AX.
t: +44 (0) 20 3987 28811
e: s.marks.pharm@ucl.ac.uk