EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines

University of Nottingham

On Tues 26th May the CDT held its first virtual Colloquium.

The themes of the Colloquium were (i) Cells & Proteins and (ii) Molecular Therapeutics & Formulations.

The day was devoted to the final year presentations from students Karolina Dziemidowicz, Raphael Egbu, Simon Kellaway, Maha Muwaffak and Akmal Bin Sabri.

The students all did very well, presenting the findings from their PhD research project online; this was the first time that the colloquium was hosted online, and in addition to a record number of attendees the presentations were all of an equal quality to those delivered in person. Special thanks go to Ryan Trueman from the CDT Management Team for doing an outstanding job of Charing the day.

A vote was held for the best Final Year Presentation, and the prize was awarded to Akmal Bin Sabri for his talk on “Development and evaluation of microneedles systems for basal cell carcinoma”.

Spring Colloquium May 2020 Attendees page 1
An image of the virtual meeting showcasing smaller images of all the attendees.


Spring Colloquium May 2020 Attendees page 2

Posted on Thursday 4th June 2020

EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines


The University of Nottingham
School of Pharmacy
Boots Science Building
University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
t: +44(0)7809 888378
e: Graham.Harrison@nottingham.ac.uk

University College London
School of Pharmacy
University College London
29-39 Brunswick Square,
London WC1N 1AX.
t: +44 (0) 20 3987 28811
e: s.marks.pharm@ucl.ac.uk