EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines

University of Nottingham

CDT and UCL PhD Students Volunteer in The 15th Annual Science Conference Science4u

CDT students ran another science outreach event and, for the second time, it took place at the Annual School Science Conference at Westminster University. The conference was attended by 450 students aged 12-16 and from a variety of schools and socioeconomic backgrounds across London.  Again, the students learned all about biomedical uses of hydrogels and the careers that could involve using them. Live 3-D printing demonstrations explained the different types of 3-D printing out there and how they work in different fields from medicine to the construction industry. Fun and obscure objects were also 3-D printed and presented including a ukulele which was played by some students!


Large group photo of volunteers at Science 4U

Activity demonstrating the biomedical uses of hydrogels

Group photo of volunteers


Saja Muwaffak (saja.muwaffak@ucl.ac.uk)
Christopher Barnett (christopher.barnett.14@ucl.ac.uk)
Zaid Hassan (zaid.hassan.15@ucl.ac.uk)
Christina Picken (Christina.picken.14@ucl.ac.uk)
Lesley Onyekuru (lesley.onyekuru.11@ucl.ac.uk)
H Yong (h.yong@ucl.ac.uk)
Miriam Alkindari (miriam.alkindari.15@ucl.ac.uk)

Posted on Thursday 10th May 2018

EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training in Advanced Therapeutics and Nanomedicines


The University of Nottingham
School of Pharmacy
Boots Science Building
University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
t: +44(0)7809 888378
e: Graham.Harrison@nottingham.ac.uk

University College London
School of Pharmacy
University College London
29-39 Brunswick Square,
London WC1N 1AX.
t: +44 (0) 20 3987 28811
e: s.marks.pharm@ucl.ac.uk